Project Plug
Model of Hogwarts Castle
by Scorpius

I used to do a pick of the day every day. Then there was a drop off in the number of projects coming in so I went to weekly. It works better form my schedule anyway so fair trade I guess. Regardless, this gem showed up yesterday and it is so gorgeous I had to share it early. Great work Scorpius.
Days to 1k
Everyone knows that 10k is the really important support level, but 1k is also a critical milestone. At a support level of 1k Cuusoo starts taking an active interest in your project. The outward effect is an official note from the Cuusoo staff usually with a short statement about what they like about the project. Internally the staff of Cuusoo are doing a mini-review of the project that will either allow the project to continue or terminate it and potentially many other projects.
Although the process has not been fully documented like the final review, it is apparent that there is a check on license availability and brand fit. This is always very informative. For instance, we can assume that TLG is open to Pokemon sets in general because they gave Pokemon: Gyarado a 1k statement of approval. This is in no way a pass for all the other Pokemon projects, like LEGO Pokémon, but if TLG decides they don't care for an IP, or it is already tied down, they will begin to archive related projects at this point and stop allowing the publication of related projects. This happened with Mario Brothers and it is assumed that it will happen with the Doctor Who projects that persist on Cuusoo.
Note that this official comment does not occur immediately at 1k. It appears the process starts when a project reaches 1k and ends when Cuusoo has an opinion. This can take a considerable amount of time.
Currently there are 52 projects with more than 1000 support making up less than 1.5% of the total Cuusoo catalog of active projects.
Don't like how slow a project is going?
Give it some indirect support to help speed things up. This link has plenty of examples how.Not on the List? First, I tend to cut off projects after a certain day count, usually 10k. Additionally, I only monitor projects that have at least 200. Projects less than that are a little too volatile for proper assessment. Finally, I track several weeks worth of data to get these numbers, so you might not show up until your project has been post 200 for a few weeks.
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