Cuusoo in the News
There is a televised report that includes MOCs for each project in the Summer Review. It can be found here and starts around 15:15. The problem for most of my readers is that it is entirely in Danish.Thankfully a gracious member of the community has provided a translation to go along with the video.
It should be interesting for anyone who wants to learn a little more about the review process.
Site Updates: Daily Support Monitoring
Regular readers will definitely notice that the right sidebar is radically different this week. I am still doing a shake down and data gathering but I hope to start presenting the daily support that comes in for all projects as well as showcase the poplar new projects.The intent here is to help project creators keep track of their project's progress and to allows project supporters to see what the popular projects are that they might have overlooked.
Pick of the Week
No surprises this week, I pretty much agree with hows the support turned out this week so my Picks are in synch with the popular vote Legend of Zelda: Iron Knuckle Encounter
by Westalbott

Support Level: 193
Wow, talk about a timely project.
This MOC has it all. First off, it is just plain gorgeous. It follows that up with having a lot of great play features: An opening door, falling towers, an adjustable wall set. Then their is the efficiency of the brick, The MOC is double sided. When Link goes through the door, there is a equally attractive presentation on the other side.
The brick built Iron Knuckle looks great and works well to showcase its scale relative to Link without requiring a new mold.
On top of all that the presentation is spectacular. Really an example of a Cuusoo project done right.
Honorable Mentions
RC Articulated City Bus
by Gabor

Support Level: 42
Gabor has several remote controlled vehicles on Cuusoo but I think this is my favorite to date. They use very compact designs to get all the control elements into minifig scale builds in some stunning ways. This has the added challenge of being an articulated bus. Personally I think Gabor pulled off the effect with great style.
Step 1: Watch the Video, Step 2: Support the Project.
Week of Cuusoo
Legend of Zelda: Iron Knuckle Encounterby Westalbott

Support Level: 193
see above
RC Articulated City Bus
by Gabor

Support Level: 42
See above
Star Wars E-Wing Escort Starfighter
by Sleeper

Support Level: 36
The E-Wing is the successor to the X-wing. This is a great recreation of from what I have seen of E-wings. This type of presentation always makes we question the structural integrity though. The digital designs are not affected by gravity of course so I wonder if the wings can actually support the weight of MOC.
There is an over wing strut which will certainly help, and is actually part of the E-wing design, and it could certainly come with a stand that prevents it from resting on its wings, but if it always requires the stand, that will certainly have an adverse effect on playability.