Monday, June 18, 2012

Cuusoo Analytics: Days Until Review (Updated)

Note, this table has been updated here

Here is an updated chart of linear extrapolation of projects towards 10k supports.  It uses more data points than my previous chart and appears to be more accurate, as expected.   

Table Legend
Project: Name of the Project
Rank: Rank is based on Support level at the time the data was collected
StoV: Percentage of Support relative to Views
S/D: Support per Day
DtoR: Based on a purely linear extrapolation, this is the number of days remaining to reach 10k supporters, Stagnant here indicates that there has been no gain in supporters over the reviewed time frame.

Now, now project experiences a purely linear progression to 10k.  Most projects experience a high velocity in support at their introduction theory, towards the end of their journey to 10k.  When they are introduced they have some limelight that they enjoy rapidly gaining new supporters.  Near the end they pick up stragglers, procrastinators, and bandwagoniers. This is a model of the "mid" point in the life cycle of these projects though, they are no longer new and they are no where near completion.  For the most part they are picking up random groups of Cuusoo users or general internet traffic.  As seen previously it takes a steady multimedia blitz to get a project up to 10k with any speed and these projects have not managed to harness that.  So, without the steady stream of publicity it can be assumed that they pick up a relatively stable influx of support.  Random but modified by quality and content.  I am still gathering data on the "end run" but I imagine that it picks up acceleration at about 8k and again at 9k as people get excited by the high number.

So, to clarify, these rates are suppose to signify the mid life of the project.  It would be safe to assume that those projects that are actually stagnant or near stagnant will never make it to 10k, regardless of their current ranking.  Those projects that currently have a high velocity in their mid life, will likely maintain a decent velocity and then accelerate into the end run.  So, the Days to Completion are not what I expect to literally be the point at which the project will reach 10k, but a decent indicator of its actual popularity and chance of actually reaching 10k.

I expect the relatively fresh Alexp's projects to soon get into the range of these projects, where they  will likely slow down to a more languid pace. 

What follows is copied form the original posting.

What is your take away from this?
Even if your project is good enough to be in the top 100, you need to do a lot more if you want to see your project get reviewed any time soon.  At these rates, only nine of the current top 100, will reach 10k supporters in the next 12 months.

If you are not in the top 100...well, this should be an even louder clarion call for you shouldn't it.

Find Supporters outside of Cuusoo
It is a FACT that people love Lego.  They also love other things (strange concept right).  You don't need a celebrity to sponsor your project, just find the groups that like the concept behind your project (outside of Lego) and get their attention.  If you have a project about birds...well, post about it at the National Audubon Society.  Get creative but don't turn into a spam bot. 

Project Upgrade
One way to get new supporters is to upgrade your project.  The problem with that though is Cuusoo does not provide a very good way of showcasing your improvements, except to those who are following your project directly.  By the time you have gotten a high ranking, well, pretty much every current Cuusoo user has already seen your project and either supported it or didn't, and most of them are not going to be trolling projects they already didn't support.

I have an option for you in this case and that is my daily Cuusoo posting.  I have section called "Second Look" which is dedicated to projects that have been updated or that I think should get more support.  If you would like my help getting that word out on your updated project,  contact me about the project and what changes have recently improved it.  If I like what you are doing I will consider it for "Second Look."

For example, I wrote about vonbrunk'sTransforming Nintendo Accessories/Games in today's Cuusoo of the Day.  Vonbrunk has recently added the Nintendo Zapper and another game cartridge to this project.  Its a serious update, but how many of you knew about it?   

Shameless Plug
There is another option and that is to support milestone achievements below 10k supports, for instance this project:

Best of Cuusoo Builder's Guide Semi-Annual E-book">
by GlenBricker

The concept of this project is for Cuusoo to publish an eBook of instructions for building the projects that it finds merit the attention though lack supporters. The showcased creators would enjoy the accolades of being chosen, the publicity of publication, and perhaps receive a small royalty for their work.
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